Be honest. When was the last time you checked your backlink profile? Do you know the number of high PR backlinks on your website? How often do you test for new backlinking strategies? Have you finally got around to disavowing those spammy backlinks that harm your overall ranking?
Indeed, creating a solid backlink profile is easier said than done. Since Google made its way into the mainstream, small business owners and SEO backlink specialists have been trying to unlock the mysteries of Google’s PageRank algorithm.
Without question, we know the backlinking game is constantly evolving and our backlink strategies of yesteryear may not carry as much water to the marketing well as before.
So today we’re going to help you take your link building to another level. In this blog post, you will find clever backlink strategies that will help you improve your overall backlink profile.
Backlinks are important because…
What are backlinks? A backlink is essentially an ‘inbound link’ or in less technical terms when another website hyperlinks back to your domain. Google considers the backlink a top 10 ranking factor and sites that carry more quality backlinks hold more value over similar sites that carry fewer. Many consider Google to be a relevant Search Engine when, in fact, it’s a popularity engine. It favors more popular websites in its results. An example of popularity affecting rankings would be if you notice how Amazon and Wikipedia rank for pretty much anything and everything under the sun?
This is why backlinks are important, and unless you’re Amazon or Wikipedia, you need to earn authority and make sure you don’t have junk linking to you. That said, backlink audits are very important. Search spiders scan for website backlinks – among the other 200 ranking factors – as a way to tell if a website is a reliable resource for particular keywords.
Examples of traditional ways on how to build backlinks are: press releases; posting viral content; local listing submissions; directory submissions, to just to name a few. These traditional forms of backlinking will help you build links and build your domain authority. But your backlinking strategy shouldn’t stop there.
Clever Link Building Strategies
Stroke egos, Write Testimonials
Giving a website or product testimonial is a clever way to build high PR backlinks. You can tap into your professional network of webmasters or provide a genuine testimonial on products or services you love to use.
It’s always nice to hear kind words from other professionals. And we all know how marketers love to toot their own horn when given the opportunity. Whether it be a written testimonial for their website or a personal video testimonial on YouTube on the CEO, if approved, testimonials can be a great source and new strategy to add in your link building campaign.
Drive Influencers Backlinks
Thanks to web 2.0 and social media, influencers have taken the advertising world by storm. A good place to start is to do a quick search for influencers in your target industry. You can also look for top Twitter profiles and bloggers as well.
It’s also important to note that you have to be careful with your language in your outreach. Write something casual, clear, yet smooth. And remember not to request specifically for a backlink. Feel free to review the Google Webmaster link scheme rules about why you shouldn’t.
Nevertheless, you can basically go down your new list of influencers and bloggers and write an outreach.
Here’s a script that you can use:
Hi (site owner name),
How’s it going? I hope you’re well. I was searching for <keyword phrase> today when I ran into your site.
Great stuff!.
Just dropping by to say that I literally just created a <keyword phrase> book/post/product about <more details about your article/link> and thought you might like it.
I’m more than happy to send you it to your office or home if you want. The only thing I ask for is that you consider writing about it or mentioning it in a review or blog.
Take a gander and get back to me if you’re interested.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
<your name>
Build Quality Backlinks With Reverse Image Search
Today, in many marketing circles you’ll hear that attention is the new currency. And it’s true to an extent, marketers today only have two seconds to keep the attention span of prospects before they lose interest.
Images have always been a great way to grab audience attention and also a clever way for search specialists to build backlinks. How do you build backlinks with