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A high bounce rate has kept many website owners up at night, tossing and turning, seconding guessing their efforts and asking themselves that age-old question: “where am I going wrong?” It’s painful to see a significant percentage of your website traffic arrive, look around briefly, and leave again. It plays on our natural human fear […]
It has become very clear that with Google’s recent changes to the results pages for local searches that the organic results are actually below the fold. This means Google has made a change the will make it a necessity to have paid listings. Lets take a look at a keyword that generates a map […]
While this article originated in 2007, it’s been occasionally updated and still holds true today. Some of what was explained is now common knowledge in the SEO Industry. There are many factors that influence Search Engine Rankings. Content, Architecture, Popularity, and hundreds of other factors too numerous to name. If we take away the website’s […]
The Internet has become much more than just transmission of data. It is a marketplace, a social gathering place, a showcase for talent and innovation, and countless other significant connection points for people all over the world. While many companies have worked hard to claim their corner of digital real estate, the online community is […]