Alan Rabinowitz

    All posts by Alan Rabinowitz
    • AI and its influence on Online Reputation management services

      Is AI Transforming Online Reputation Management Services?

      February 8, 2023 by Alan Rabinowitz


      Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the landscape of numerous industries, including reputation management services. In recent years, AI has become an increasingly important tool for managing an individual’s or organization’s reputation, especially in the digital age. With the explosion of social media and the increased dependence on the internet for information, reputation management has become more crucial than ever before.

      Reputation management refers to the process of monitoring, controlling, and influencing an individual’s or organization’s reputation. It involves managing the flow of information, both positive and negative, to ensure that an individual or organization’s reputation remains intact. In the past, reputation management was a manual process, involving the monitoring of news articles, blog posts, and other online content. However, with the advent of AI, this process has become much more efficient and effective.

      One of the primary ways that AI is transforming reputation management services is through sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is a type of AI that is used to analyze the tone or emotion expressed in text, such as a tweet, blog post, or news article. This is important for reputation management because it allows organizations to quickly identify negative or harmful content that could potentially harm their reputation. With sentiment analysis, organizations can quickly respond to negative content and take appropriate action to minimize its impact on their reputation.

      Another way that AI is transforming reputation management is through the use of chatbots. Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users. They are often used in customer service, where they can quickly respond to customer inquiries and provide information. In the realm of reputation management, chatbots can be used to monitor online content, answer customer questions, and provide information on a company’s products and services. Additionally, they can be used to respond to negative comments or reviews in real-time, providing an immediate and personalized response.

      AI algorithms can quickly analyze large amounts of data, including news articles, social media posts, and customer reviews, to provide insights into the current state of an individual’s or organization’s reputation.

      One of the biggest benefits of AI in reputation management is its ability to scale. As the amount of online content continues to grow, it becomes increasingly difficult for manual processes to keep up. With AI, however, the ability to process large amounts of data and identify relevant information quickly and efficiently makes it possible to scale reputation management services to meet the needs of even the largest organizations.

      AI is also helping to make reputation management services more cost-effective. In the past, reputation management was an expensive and time-consuming process. With AI, however, many of the manual processes involved in reputation management can be automated, reducing the time and cost required to manage an individual’s or organization’s reputation. Additionally, AI algorithms can quickly analyze large amounts of data, reducing the need for staff members to manually sift through data.

      Despite the many benefits of AI in reputation management, there are some concerns that need to be addressed. One of the biggest concerns is the potential for AI algorithms to make errors in sentiment analysis. While AI algorithms have become much more accurate over the years, they are still not perfect, and errors can occur. Additionally, AI algorithms can sometimes have biases, which can result in inaccurate sentiment analysis. This can lead to incorrect conclusions about the tone or emotion expressed in a piece of content, which can have serious implications for an individual’s or organization’s reputation.

      Another concern is the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes. AI algorithms can be programmed to spread false information or manipulate public opinion, which can have serious consequences for an individual’s or organization’s reputation. For example, AI can be used to create fake news articles or social media posts that spread false information about a person or organization. This can harm their reputation and create a negative public perception, even if the information is completely untrue.

      While AI may be transforming some of the ways that reputation management services are offered. It is important to keep in mind the potential risks associated with AI, including the potential for errors in sentiment analysis and the potential for malicious use. As AI continues to evolve, it will be important for reputation management services to remain vigilant and address these concerns in order to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly in the future.

      In order for AI to have a positive impact on reputation management services, organizations must be diligent in using AI technologies in a responsible and ethical manner. This includes thoroughly testing AI algorithms to ensure that they are accurate and unbiased, and developing policies and procedures to prevent the malicious use of AI. Additionally, organizations must be transparent about their use of AI and educate the public about the potential benefits and risks associated with the technology.

      AI has the potential to greatly transform the field of reputation management. By automating manual processes, providing insights into data, and allowing for more efficient and cost-effective services, AI has the potential to make reputation management more accessible and effective. However, it is important to address the potential risks associated with AI and use the technology responsibly in order to ensure a positive impact on reputation management services.



    • AI Generated content and its impact on SEO

      AI Generated Content and its Impact on SEO

      by Alan Rabinowitz


      AI-generated content has revolutionized the way businesses approach their digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO). AI technology has the ability to create high-quality content at scale, which can help companies increase their online visibility and attract more organic traffic. However, as with any technology, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider when it comes to AI-generated content and SEO. In this article, we will explore the impact of AI-generated content on SEO and how businesses can harness this technology to boost their search rankings.

      Since ChatGPT has leveraged over 100 Million users, Google has announced the Beta testing of its own AI for search called Bard which is powered by the LaMDA AI.

      Here’s a little info on LaMDA:
      LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) is an advanced language generation model developed by OpenAI. LaMDA is designed to generate natural language responses in a wide range of dialogue applications, including chatbots, conversational agents, and voice assistants. LaMDA uses a transformer-based architecture and is trained on a large corpus of text data, allowing it to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a wide variety of prompts.

      LaMDA’s training data includes diverse topics, such as recipes, Wikipedia articles, and conversation logs, allowing it to generate responses that are both knowledgeable and conversational. This makes LaMDA a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their customer engagement through chatbots and voice assistants.

      In addition to generating responses, LaMDA can also be used for a variety of other NLP (Natural Language Processing) tasks, such as text summarization and question answering. This versatility makes LaMDA a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their NLP capabilities.

      Overall, LaMDA is a cutting-edge AI technology that has the potential to transform the way businesses approach their digital marketing strategies. Whether it’s generating high-quality content, improving customer engagement through chatbots and voice assistants, or streamlining NLP workflows, LaMDA has the potential to drive business growth and improve the customer experience.

      With that background information, we can discuss more on AI and SEO…

      First, it’s important to understand what AI-generated content is. This type of content is created using artificial intelligence algorithms that can generate written or visual content without human intervention. For example, AI can write articles, create social media posts, or generate product descriptions for e-commerce sites. These algorithms can analyze data and create content based on specific parameters, such as keyword density, tone, and style.

      The benefits of AI-generated content for SEO are clear. One of the main advantages is the ability to create a large amount of high-quality content quickly and efficiently. This can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and increase their online visibility. For example, a company could use AI to generate product descriptions for their website, making it easier to keep their site updated with fresh, relevant content. This can improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to their site.

      Another advantage of AI-generated content is the ability to personalize content for specific audiences. For example, AI can analyze a user’s browsing history and create content that is tailored to their interests. This can help increase engagement and improve the overall user experience, which can have a positive impact on SEO.

      However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider when it comes to AI-generated content and SEO. One of the biggest concerns is the quality of the content generated. While AI algorithms can create content that is high-quality and relevant, they are not always able to match the creativity and nuance of human-generated content. This can result in content that is not as engaging or persuasive, which can have a negative impact on search rankings.

      Another concern is the potential for duplicate content. AI algorithms can generate content that is similar or identical to content that already exists on the web. This can result in penalties from search engines for duplicate content, which can hurt a business’s search rankings.

      Despite these potential drawbacks, there are steps businesses can take to harness the power of AI-generated content to improve their SEO. For example, businesses can use AI to generate content for less important pages on their site, such as category pages, while reserving human-generated content for more important pages, such as the homepage and product pages. This can help ensure that the most important pages on a site are of the highest quality.

      Businesses can also use AI-generated content as a starting point, and then have a human editor review and refine the content to ensure it meets the company’s standards. This can help ensure that the content is high-quality, engaging, and relevant, while also preserving the creativity and nuance of human-generated content.

      AI-generated content has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses approach their digital marketing strategies, including SEO. While there are potential drawbacks to consider, such as the quality of the content and the potential for duplicate content, businesses can harness the power of AI to create high-quality content at scale and improve their search rankings. By taking steps to ensure the quality of their AI-generated content, businesses can harness the power of this technology to boost their online visibility and attract more organic traffic to their site.

      So be sure to utilize AI wisely on your website and make sure you’re using a duplicate content checker to avoid plagiarism.

    • Best SEO Companies AI Generated ChatGPT

      Best SEO Companies for 2024 According to ChatGPT

      by Alan Rabinowitz


      Since every SEO seems to be enthralled by the ChatGPT app, I decided to put it to use here.

      I used the clever “outrank article” feature from Link Research Tools AIPRM – ChatGPT Prompts for SEOs Chrome Extension ( to generate an AI article that could possibly outrank one of the Top 3 articles currently ranking for the keyword “Best SEO Companies.”

      The results of the first attempt are somewhat humorous; notice the Top Companies all have Keyword Names. The first attempt is a list of company names all fictitious.


      The Top 10 Best SEO Companies of 2024

      When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), it’s important to choose a company that can deliver proven results. But with so many options available, how do you know which one is the best fit for your business?

      To help you make an informed decision, we’ve evaluated the top 10 SEO companies of 2021 based on a variety of factors, including their history of success, range of services, and customer reviews.

      1. SEO Guru

      SEO Guru is a full-service SEO agency with a long track record of helping businesses improve their online presence. They offer a range of services, including keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO.

      One of the things that sets SEO Guru apart is their commitment to transparent communication. They provide detailed reports on their work and make it easy for clients to understand the results they’re seeing.

      2. SEO Experts

      SEO Experts is a well-respected SEO firm with a team of experienced professionals. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Experts apart is their focus on results. They use data-driven techniques to optimize their clients’ websites and track their progress.

      3. SEO Pro

      SEO Pro is a full-service SEO agency with a team of experts in various fields. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Pro apart is their focus on innovation. They are always looking for new and creative ways to help their clients improve their online presence.

      4. SEO Agency

      SEO Agency is a well-known SEO firm with a team of experienced professionals. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Agency apart is their attention to detail. They take the time to thoroughly analyze their clients’ websites and develop customized strategies to help them rank higher in search results.

      5. SEO Company

      SEO Company is a full-service SEO agency with a team of experts in various fields. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Company apart is their customer-centric approach. They take the time to understand their clients’ goals and work closely with them to achieve success.

      6. SEO Services

      SEO Services is a well-respected SEO firm with a team of experienced professionals. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Services apart is their focus on long-term results. They work with their clients to develop sustainable SEO strategies that drive traffic and sales over the long haul.

      7. SEO Firm

      SEO Firm is a full-service SEO agency with a team of experts in various fields. They offer a range of services, including on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

      One of the things that sets SEO Firm apart is their commitment to staying up-to


      The second version is a bit more impressive as it looks to clone the style of writing typically found on this search results. Except the length is not 3500 words like many of these poor articles that seem to rank very well currently.


      “Why We’re the Best SEO Company for Your Business”

      Are you searching for the best SEO company to help boost your online presence and drive more targeted traffic to your website? Look no further than [Our Company Name].

      With years of experience and a track record of success, we have helped numerous businesses just like yours achieve their online marketing goals. But don’t just take our word for it – here are a few reasons why we stand out as the best choice for your SEO needs.

      Comprehensive Strategy

      At [Our Company Name], we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. Instead, we take the time to understand your unique business goals and target audience, and develop a customized strategy tailored to your needs.

      This includes conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your potential customers are searching for, as well as analyzing the current state of your website to identify any technical SEO issues that may be holding you back.

      Our team of expert SEO professionals is well-versed in all the latest SEO trends and best practices, and we use this knowledge to develop a strategy that will drive the best results for your business.

      High-Quality Content

      One of the key components of any successful SEO strategy is high-quality content. Google’s algorithms are designed to reward websites that provide valuable, informative, and relevant content to their users.

      At [Our Company Name], we have a team of skilled copywriters who are experts at creating engaging and informative content that not only resonates with your target audience, but also helps to improve your search engine rankings.

      Whether you need blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, or any other type of content, we have the resources and expertise to deliver top-notch writing that will help drive traffic and conversions for your business.

      Data-Driven Results

      At [Our Company Name], we don’t just rely on guesswork to drive results for our clients. Instead, we use a data-driven approach to track and measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.

      We use a variety of tools and analytics platforms to monitor key metrics such as organic traffic, search engine rankings, and conversions. This allows us to continually optimize our strategies and make informed decisions to drive the best possible results.


      Here’s a diagram outlining the process we follow to deliver top-notch SEO services to our clients:

      graph LR
      A[Keyword Research] --> B[On-Site Optimization]
      B --> C[Content Development]
      C --> D[Link Building]
      D --> E[Reporting and Analysis]

      Trust the Experts at [Our Company Name]

      If you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, look no further than [Our Company Name]. Our team of SEO experts will work with you to develop a customized strategy that drives results for your business.

      Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your online marketing goals.


      Updated on 11/09/2023 to include 2024 information.
      Updated on 4/28/2023 to include NYC SEO companies. We decided to randomly as it:

      “Who are the Best SEO Companies in NYC” and here’s the response.

      We were happy to see we were listed as #1.

      As an AI language model, I cannot provide a definitive answer on the “best” NYC SEO companies. However, here are a few SEO companies based in New York City that have a reputation for providing quality services:

      1. SEO Image: This is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and other digital marketing services. They have a team of experts who have worked with a variety of clients in various industries.
      2. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency: This is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and other services. They have a team of experienced professionals who have helped clients in various industries improve their online visibility and generate more leads.
      3. SEO Brand: This is a digital marketing agency that provides SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and other services. They have a team of experts who have worked with clients in various industries and have a strong track record of success.
      4. Path Interactive: This is a digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and other services. They have a team of experts who have worked with clients in various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, and education.

      Remember, the “best” NYC SEO company for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. It’s important to do your research and evaluate multiple options before making a decision.

      Best NYC SEO Companies

    • Best Online Reputation Management Commpanies

      Best Reputation Management Companies for 2024

      by Alan Rabinowitz


      If your existing reputation needs improvement, find a professional to manage your reputation. We feature the fastest-growing reputation management companies to help build a positive reputation. Some offer a reputation manager or software as a solution. Find a reputation marketing company with our list of the best reputation management services companies.

      Here’s information to help you search for the best reputation management companies to manage your brand image reputation. ORM companies are firms that specialize in helping businesses and individuals improve and protect their online reputation through the best online reputation management services.

      Determining which reputation management company offers high-quality content marketing, media monitoring, and public relations is the best can be challenging. Different companies may have different approaches and strategies that may work better for some businesses or individuals than others. It’s important to keep a good reputation for earning new potential customers.

      What are online reputation management services?

      Online reputation management (ORM) is a marketing service that works by monitoring and influencing the online reputation of an individual or business. ORM involves managing the content that appears in search results, social media, and other online platforms to ensure that it reflects positively on the individual or business. It is done by using online content removal, content creation, and search engine optimization strategies to improve your business reputation.

      ORM services can help individuals and businesses to:

      • Monitor their online reputation: reputation management services can help you track what is being said about you or your business online and alert you to any negative comments or reviews.
      • Respond to negative comments and reviews: ORM services can help you to respond to negative comments and reviews in a timely and appropriate manner to try to mitigate the damage to your reputation and negative reviews.
      • Promote positive content: ORM services can help you to promote positive content about your business, such as press releases, blog posts, and positive customer reviews, to help improve your online reputation.
      • Remove negative content: ORM services may also be able to help you remove negative content from the internet, although this can be a complex and time-consuming process that is not always successful.
      • Review Management: ORM Services that focus on online review sites like Google, Yelp, Glassdoor, etc. to help manage bad reviews.

      If you are considering using an ORM service. It is important to do research and choose a reputable digital marketing company with a proven track record of helping businesses and individuals manage their reputations effectively. You want a seasoned team with proven success with online reputation management strategies.

      What are factors to consider when choosing a reputation management company:

      • Expertise: Look for a company with a track record of success in reputation management. Look for case studies or testimonials demonstrating their ability to help clients improve their online reputation.
      • Services: Make sure the company offers the services you need. Some common services offered by reputation management companies include online reputation repair, brand management, crisis management, and social media management.
      • Cost: Consider the cost of the services offered by the company. Reputation management can be a significant investment, so it’s important to find a company that offers competitive pricing.
      • Communication: Choose a company that is responsive and communicative. A reputable reputation management company should be able to clearly explain its strategies and keep you informed about the progress of its efforts.

      It’s also a good idea to do your own research and read reviews from previous clients to get a sense of the company’s reputation and effectiveness.

      It’s difficult to recommend specific agencies as the best choice for your business or individual needs, as different companies may have different approaches and strategies that may work better for some businesses or individuals than others.

      What are the best online reputation management companies?

      1. SEO Image ( This company has been rated the best online reputation management company numerous times since 2002. One of the best for pushing down negative results. Considered the first Reputation Management agency in NY designed to promote positive reviews and online reputations.
      2. This company offers a range of services for online review cleaning, including online reputation repair, brand management, negative review management, and crisis management.
      3. BrandYourself: This company specializes in helping individuals improve and protect their online reputation. Manage your online reputation with this self-service marketing strategy. Offering services to help companies and individuals monitor your reputation. You can improve your reputation using their small business tools.
      4. This company offers various services, including online reputation repair, brand reputation, and social media management for the business owner.
      5. Rep.Agency: This company offers a range of positive reputation management services to improve your online presence, including internet reputation, online review management, brand management, and crisis management.

      It’s important to do your own research and compare the services and pricing of different reputation management firms to find the best fit for your specific needs.

      Many companies offer reputation management services in the city, and it can be difficult to include them all in a list.

      It’s essential to do your own research and compare the services and pricing of different positive online reputation companies to find the best management strategy for your specific needs. Some additional factors to consider when choosing a reputation management company in New York City include the company’s track record of success, the range of services they offer, their pricing, and their communication and responsiveness.

      You can search online directories for the best online reputation services, such as the New York City Chamber of Commerce, and the Better Business Bureau, to find more companies based in New York City. You can also ask for recommendations from business associates or industry experts or read reviews from previous clients to get a sense of the reputation and effectiveness of different companies and research if they use industry best practices to ensure long-term results.

      What are the different types of reputation management?

      Reputation management encompasses various strategies and approaches aimed at controlling and influencing the perception of an individual, company, brand, or organization in the eyes of the public. It involves managing online and offline reputation to shape a positive image and address any negative feedback or criticism. Different types of reputation management include:

      1. Online Reputation Management (ORM): This type focuses on managing and shaping a person’s or brand’s online reputation. ORM involves monitoring online mentions, reviews, and social media conversations. It aims to respond promptly to feedback, address negative reviews, and promote positive content to improve the overall online reputation.
      2. Crisis Reputation Management: Crisis management is essential for handling negative incidents or public relations crises that could damage a person’s or company’s reputation. Crisis reputation management involves swift and effective responses, transparent communication, and taking necessary actions to mitigate the impact of the crisis.
      3. Personal Reputation Management: Personal reputation management is concerned with shaping and maintaining the reputation of an individual, such as a public figure, executive, or influencer. It includes managing their online presence, addressing any negative content, and promoting positive achievements and contributions.
      4. Corporate Reputation Management: This type focuses on managing the reputation of a company or organization. It involves monitoring media coverage, customer reviews, and public sentiment, as well as addressing issues like product recalls, lawsuits, or ethical concerns that could affect the company’s image.
      5. Brand Reputation Management: Brand reputation management is specific to managing the perception and image of a particular brand. It involves monitoring brand mentions, addressing customer complaints, and promoting brand values and positive attributes.
      6. Review Management: This type focuses on managing customer reviews and ratings. It involves encouraging positive reviews and responding to negative ones in a professional and helpful manner.
      7. Social Media Reputation Management: Social media platforms play a significant role in shaping public perception. Social media reputation management involves monitoring and engaging with audiences on various social media channels, responding to comments, and addressing any negative sentiment.
      8. Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM): SERM involves managing search engine results to control what information appears when someone searches for a particular person or brand. This may include optimizing positive content, suppressing negative search results, and addressing any misinformation.
      9. Employee Reputation Management: This type involves managing the reputation of employees, especially those in public-facing roles or with influential positions within the company. It may include training employees on responsible social media use and ensuring their online presence aligns with the company’s values.

      Overall, reputation management is a multifaceted and ongoing process that requires a proactive and strategic approach to build and maintain a positive image in the eyes of the public. SEO Image uses effective reputation management strategies to help your business needs, improve your business listings and even outreach to gain 5-star reviews. Different types of reputation management may be applicable depending on the specific needs and circumstances of the individual, company, or brand.

    • Tips t get 5 star reviews

      6 Online Review Tips That Will Help You Rank Higher & Get More Sales

      October 7, 2020 by Alan Rabinowitz

      The following online review tips we share with you below will help your website convert more traffic into sales.

      Sounds good, doesn’t it?

      Now with studies showing that 82% of customers read online reviews for local businesses, it’s always shocking when we come across business owners who operate without an online reviews strategy.

      And it’s true: Online reviews can make or break your business; they can determine whether new customers either buy from you or buy from your competitors.

      If you don’t know where to start, keep reading. Below we share a few helpful insights and online reviews tips that’ll help your business improve its overall online image while boosting conversion rates.

      Why Are Google Reviews Important?

      The majority of your customers are social creatures who need validation from their peer group and the general public.

      When they don’t know what to buy, they go online and look for social proof from an online community.

      Online reviews are essential for many reasons:

      Search Engines Love Online Reviews

      It’s simple: The more customer reviews your business publishes; the more search engines love you.

      Search engines want to show users what is most relevant to them.

      If your company is receiving a lot of online reviews online, that tells search engines that your business is attracting customer feedback; meaning customers have put trust in your brand.

      But this doesn’t mean that your domain will earn the top spot. Your overall reviews rating will determine whether or not you’re viewed as a trusted source online.

      Online Reviews Serves Fresh Content

      One of Google’s many algorithms is fresh content. It often ranks websites by how relevant and up-to-date they are.

      Google reviews also show that your business is still in business and is, therefore, fresh and up-to-date.

      Alongside encouraging people to review your business, you can also keep producing regular blog content on your website.

      Online Reviews Gets You On The Local Pack

      The Google Local Pack is the map section of the Google search results which is usually above the organic results.

      Google will generally show the top 3 local businesses for each query; featuring contact information and their 1-5-star ratings. Generally, the sorting of listings starts at 4.0 and higher.

      For example, if you searched for an SEO agency in NYC, the top 3 SEO agencies with Google My Business accounts nearest to you will appear in the local pack first.

      Online Reviews Make You Trustworthy

      Because people now have more options than ever before, they tend to do their homework before giving their business to a specific company.

      When you have online reviews from real customers, it shows prospective purchasers that your business is legitimate, has been validated by previous customers, and is trusted.

      Online Review Tips

      1. Sign Up For A Google My Business Account

      The first thing you want to do to increase your business reviews is to first make sure you can receive online reviews in the first place.

      For Google Reviews to be possible, your business needs to create a Google My Business account.

      The process is simple. Google even provides a guide to make sure any business owner – tech-savvy or not – can manage it.

      Once your business account is verified, any customer that is looking for your business will find all the information they need. Like the following:

      • What you offer
      • Service options
      • The address
      • Opening hours
      • Menu
      • Website
      • Phone number
      • Reviews

      It’s also worth noting that the number of online reviews and your current star rating is shown directly under your business name in the search results, which gives users an immediate first impression. A user will most likely click on a 5-star company over a 2-star company.

      1. Encourage Customer Reviews

      Most customers are aware of online reviews and that they can review businesses online; be it through Google, or another platform like Yelp.

      But most of the time, customers are not incentivized to write an online review or prompted to do so. Don’t feel ashamed to remind people that the option is there.

      It’s important not to make people feel pressured into leaving a review, but, planting the idea can be all that it takes.

      As they leave your store, or after they make an online purchase, you can say something as simple as, “thank you for your purchase, and if you’re happy with it, feel free to leave a Google Review.” See? Not complicated, not pushy, but can ultimately lead to more reviews and a higher ranking.

      3. Don’t Be Discouraged By Negative Reviews  

      The reality is, many people are going to look up your business with the sole intention of leaving an online review if they are not happy with their experience.

      That’s the nature of the beast. However, your aim should be to make sure the number of positive reviews is higher than the number of negative ones.

      Don’t be discouraged by disgruntled customers.

      Instead, use them as a learning opportunity to improve your products and services so you can prevent their issue from being one in the future.

      You can also reply to negative reviews as well, share your side of the story and give readers context.

      4. Don’t Be Fooled By All Positive Reviews

      If you’ve been looking at your competition, frustrated at how they managed to achieve a perfect star rating across hundreds of reviews, then don’t be concerned.

      According to research, a perfect score can actually decrease the trust of a business.

      It sounds strange, but with the prevalence of fake reviews, having an average score of between 4.5 to 4.7 can make your business seem more trustworthy than one that achieves a perfect 5-star rating.

      5. Reply To Google Reviews

      A Harvard Business Review study found that if business owners respond to a customer review (be it a positive or negative one), they can see a rating increase.

      Remember, you can learn a lot from all reviews that customers leave, so engaging with them on a public platform can have more of a positive impact than you might think.

      Be transparent about any mistakes you may have made, and, thank them for taking the time to leave the review.

      Ask questions if the information is unclear, and offer a solution to their problem. You can even humanize the response by putting your name at the bottom of it.

      Responding promptly is also quite important, for it shows your customer that you respect the decision they made to come forward and value what they have said.

      6. Advertise That You Have A Reviewing Platform

      If you’re struggling to drum up reviews for your Google My Business account, try positioning or marketing to your audience that your business has a reviews page.

      You don’t have to take out a full-page ad in the newspaper, but small, discrete links in emails and on your website can often be enough.

      Remember, you’re not trying to drum up a positive review, but a review in general. By providing a link for people to click, you’re making it easy for customers to leave an online review, which will help you improve your overall online imageimprove your overall online image.

    • Remote SEO Sales Job

      We’re Hiring – Remote SEO Sales – Stay Safe and Earn!

      by Alan Rabinowitz

      Stay Safe and Earn!

      We’re actively seeking a remote salesperson who has what it takes to work with small, mid, and enterprise-level businesses. Selling of SEO and Reputation Management services for one of the nationwide leaders in both services. With 18+ years of experience. Our background sells itself.

      You will be responsible for generating leads as well as working on existing leads with the sales team.

      Details can be found here:


    SEO & Reputation Management Services in NYC & Long Island

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