Content, considered king by some, is currently proven to impact the PageRank of a page. For instance, pages with more content and well-written content generally get a PageRank boost. If the content is original and high quality based on a “Microsoft Word-Like” word processors that Google uses, then pages gain an additional boost. If the […]
For years we told users to design sites for their visitors and not the search engines. Today we state the opposite. We now believe it is imperative for sites that want to have top search engine rankings, to maintain proper page and navigation and website structure, so they do not get lost in the search […]
In a recent post, I discussed the topic of “Industry Popularity” as a ranking factor. In this post I will elaborate on it and how it crosses into Search Engine Optimization. Industry popularity is simply what it says, the popularity of a site in relationship to its specific industry as a whole. Part of the […]
February and March were busy months for activity on the Google Datacenters. With thousands of sites in a constant flux, many marketers have been theorizing the end of static rankings as Google seems to be turning itself into a constantly changing algorithm similar to how MSN was a few months ago.