SEO Image Blog
  • Googie, Matt Cutts Bans Google!

    Today one of my clients emails me that no one ranks for SEO Image but there is a great alternative. I immediately sent an email with new search information to all my clients and told them all their competitors are gone. They agreed to double our fees. Then I decided to see what would happen […]
  • 2006 Wrap-up 2007 Strategies – Year End

    SEO Image has ended 2006 with a 300% increase in Gross Revenue as compared to 2005. We have doubled our clientele since 2005, and have seen some dramatic rankings for some clients. We opened a second office at 1375 Broadway, and are growing our staff (currently seeking resumes). We were ranked #1 by both Promotion […]
  • Search Perspectives

    This post will offer data on search engines and search engine user behavior. Most of this information is compiled from reputable third-party research firms.
  • Google Suggests Yahoo! Answers is the Answer to Top Google Rankings?

    In a recent post on the Official Google Blog, Googler Stefanie, has suggested that answering questions on sites like Yahoo! Answers will get you link popularity acceptable by Google.
  • Digg vs. Google Which Top 10 ranking is better? Official Poll

    Editor’s note: This post is old. Clearly Digg doesn’t have the same value it once did, however, it did make some famous marketers because they were top diggers! We’re in a day and age where buzz travels online faster than the speed of search. Is news and buzz becoming more desired than static search results? […]

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